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How to Solve the ‘Cannot Read Property of Undefined’ Error in Angular

SOlucionar Error: ‘Cannot Read Property of Undefined’ en Angular

One of the most common errors that Angular developers face is the notorious TypeError: Cannot Read Property of Undefined. This issue typically arises when trying to access a property of an object or variable that has not been initialized or assigned yet. If you’re working on projects involving dynamic data handling, such as applications fetching data from external APIs or where data flow depends on user interaction, you’ve likely encountered this error.

In this article, we’ll explore the common causes of this error, how to prevent it, and practical examples to effectively fix it.

Why Does This Error ‘Cannot Read Property of Undefined’ Occur?

The “Cannot Read Property of Undefined” error occurs when the code attempts to access a property of an object that doesn’t exist or hasn’t been assigned a value yet. Some common reasons for this error include:

Accessing Asynchronous Data Prematurely: Angular often deals with asynchronously loaded data (e.g., from HTTP services). If you try to access a value before the data has been loaded, you are likely to encounter this error.

Uninitialized Variables: Failing to initialize objects or arrays can lead to attempts to access properties that don’t exist yet.

Component Lifecycle Mismanagement: Trying to manipulate data or properties too early in the component lifecycle.

Typographical Errors in the Template: A simple typo in your template, such as referencing an incorrect or misspelled property, can trigger this error.

Common Examples

Error When Accessing Undefined Data Properties

Let’s say you have a user object that gets populated after an HTTP call:

export class UserComponent implements OnInit {
  user: any;

  ngOnInit() {

  getUserData() {
    // Simulating an HTTP call
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.user = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 };
    }, 2000);

If you try to access {{ }} in your template before the data is loaded, you will encounter the error Cannot read property 'name' of undefined.

Using the Safe Navigation Operator ?.

A quick solution to prevent this error from breaking the application is to use Angular’s safe navigation operator (?.). This operator checks if the property exists before trying to access it.

In the previous example, the template could be modified as follows:

<p>{{ user?.name }}</p>

With this operator, Angular will not attempt to access if user is undefined.

Using *ngIf to Conditionally Render the Template

Another way to avoid this error is to ensure that the template only tries to access properties once the object has fully loaded. This can be achieved using the *ngIf directive:

<div *ngIf="user">
  <p>{{ }}</p>
  <p>{{ user.age }}</p>

Here, the content inside the div will only render once user is defined, avoiding the error.

Best Practices to Prevent the Error: ‘Cannot Read Property of Undefined’

Initialize Objects or Default Values: Always make sure your objects are initialized before they are used. You can initialize them as empty objects or with default values. For example:

user: any = {};

Proper Component Lifecycle Management: Angular provides lifecycle hooks to control when certain actions should be performed. Make sure to use ngOnInit to initialize your data, as this hook is executed after Angular has set up all input properties.

ngOnInit() {
  this.user = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 };

Handling Asynchronous Data with Observables: Angular uses observables to handle HTTP calls. When subscribing to an observable, ensure that data is available before accessing it.

  data => this.user = data,
  error => console.error('Error fetching user data', error)

Using try-catch or ErrorHandler: To prevent unexpected errors from stopping your application, it’s good practice to wrap your code in try-catch blocks, or better yet, use Angular’s global error-handling service with ErrorHandler.

try {
  this.user = someUndefinedVariable;
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error accessing the variable: ', error);

Debugging and Monitoring

To quickly identify and resolve these errors, it is essential to use debugging and monitoring tools such as Sentry or Chrome DevTools. These tools can help you pinpoint which part of your code is trying to access an undefined object.

Sentry, for example, offers a useful workflow for analyzing these errors in production, as it can automatically log when errors occur and under what conditions.


The TypeError: Cannot Read Property of Undefined in Angular can be frustrating, but with proper lifecycle management, the use of the safe navigation operator, and correct initialization of objects, you can easily prevent it. Remember, many of these errors occur because data isn’t available at the time of access, so learning how to handle asynchronous data effectively is key to building robust and error-free Angular applications

Picture of Yeison Lapaix
Yeison Lapaix
Hi! I am Yeison Lapaix a Full Stack .Net Developer with 11+ years of experience developing web applications with ASP.NET Core, MVC, C#, JavaScript, Oracle DB and SQL Server. I have good experience building RESTful Web API with .Net Core and front-end applications with Angular, Vue JS, jQuery, HTML5 & CSS. Proficient working with OOP principles and Design Patterns, SOLID principles, and experience with agile development environments.


Yeison Lapaix – Full Stack Developer | .NET | Angular | Systems Engineer | Technology Enthusiast