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I’m Yeison Lapaix

And Full Stack .Net Developer with 11+ years of experience developing web applications with ASP.NET Core, MVC, C#, JavaScript, Oracle DB and SQL Server. I have good experience building RESTful Web API with .Net Core and front-end applications with Angular, Vue JS, jQuery, HTML5 & CSS. Proficient working with OOP principles and Design Patterns, SOLID principles, and experience with agile development environments.

I consider myself as an enthusiastic developer that is reaching out for continuous improvements to become better every day. As a professional, I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with projects in some top companies in Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, where I develop solutions using different technologies for front-end and back-end applications allowing me to grow professionally in both areas.

Technologies I have worked with:

Programming Languages: C#, JavaScript, Oracle Database, PL SQL, SQL Server, Python, PL SQL, TL SQL
Frameworks and Tools: ASP.NET Core, .NET Core, Angular, ASPX, Entity Framework Core, Dapper, IdentityServer4, OAuth 2, Docker, JQuery, Vue JS, Scrum, GIT, SVN, Unit Testing, TFS, JIRA, SEO, Reporting Services, Oracle Forms. Oracle Reports, HangFire, JSON, Bootstrap, XML, JDeveloper, Visual Studio, TOAD, SQL Profile